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Axe Forging: A&AMW

Explore traditional forging techniques with blacksmith Nathan Allen. Examine stylistic differences and construction techniques used on historic axes. The class will primarily cover punched eye axes. For those with more blacksmithing experience, forge-welded styles can be made. Students will have the chance to forge a couple of different styles. Ages 16+, Prices: $285 non-member, $275 member

Big Sit Birding Event

Bird Migration Walk

Join Amos Butler Audubon Society for an autumn bird walk along the Trails. Enjoy the beauty of migration as birds return south, resting among the trees, river, and prairie habitats at Conner Prairie. Price: Free, but registration is required and limited space

Blacksmithing: Fun in the Forge

You will have the opportunity to complete several simple projects such as barbeque skewers, a flint and steel firestarter (with instructions on how to use it), and a dinner bell. All tools and materials will be provided. Ages 13+ ( ages 16 and under must register with an adult).

Botanical Dyeing from the Garden and Beyond

Find out all the amazing colors you can grow in your own garden. You'll leave with at least 8 mini skeins to use in your future textile projects. Wear clothes that are only enhanced with additional color. Ages 16+ (ages 16/17 must register with adult). Prices: Members - $90, Non-members - $100

Cooking Over the Hearth

Learn to prepare a traditional meal over an open fire. Enjoy the smell of wood smoke as hearth cooking expert Sarah Withrow shares her knowledge. Learn to blend traditional techniques with historic and contemporary recipes. This is a 7-hour workshop from 8am to 3pm. Ages 14+ (Ages 17 and under must register with an adult). Prices: $125 per non-member, $100 per member.

Knifesmithing Workshop

Under the guidance of Nathan Allen, you'll learn about the history and creation of a traditional hand-forged knife. Topics include proper steel selection, use of a coal forge and anvil, filing, and finishing a handle. You can expect to complete at least one knife during class. Some tools required. Ages 16+. This is a 3-day class. Please be sure you are available for all three sessions!

Leather Accoutrements: A&AMW

Join Ken Scott as he teaches the process of making knife sheaths and other leather accouterments such as flint wallets and leather loading blocks and wallets. If you have a knife, or knives, that you'd like to make sheaths for, please bring them to class. This is a multi-day class. Ages 14+ (ages 14/15 must register with an adult). Prices: $245 for members, $260 for guests.

Leatherworking: A&AMW

Join Ken Scott as he teaches you his unique style of making hunting bags and pouches. Through pattern development, cutting, stitching, finishing, and basic leatherworking techniques, you’ll create a one-of-a-kind hunting pouch. You’ll also learn Ken’s unique antiquing methods. Ages 14+ (ages 14/15 must register with an adult). This is a multi-day workshop. Please be sure you are available for all sessions! Prices: Members - $370, Guests - $385

Old German Strudel

Making strudel from scratch is a kitchen experience like none other. Our expert cooks will show you how strudel used to be made - both savory and sweet. This is a 6-hour workshop from 9am to 3pm. Ages 12+ (Ages 17 and under must register with adult). Prices: Members - $95, Non-members - $105.

Welcome to the Dark Side: Mothing in Indiana

Often unseen and under-appreciated, moths are viewed as the drab, dingy-looking cousins of butterflies. They are dazzling creatures, however, with over 2,400 species recorded in the state. Indiana moth-er, Jeanette Jaskula, will introduce the audience to the joy of moths, from their stunning colors, patterns, and behaviors to their important role in our ecosystems as pollinators and members of the food web. Price: FREE, requires registration due with limited capacity.

Wheel Thrown Pottery

Discover the basics of wheel thrown pottery. Students will be able to practice all aspects of throwing and shaping pottery. Whether a beginner or intermediate student, you will be able to progress at your own rate and develop your skills. All materials and supplies provided. We ask that you provide a towel to dry your hands on while at the wheel. Ages 13+ (ages 13-15 need to register with an adult). The date for which you register is the first meeting of this class. The class will continue to meet for the following three weeks on the same day of the week.